Charlottesville assembled
"We are proud of our long term partnership with the Braves and thrilled to provide fans with a chance to win $1 million," Georgia Lottery Corp. President and CEO Debbie D. Alford said. Scott Reynolds of Environmental Canine Systems, left, and Fred Dillon, the stormwater program coordinator for the city of South Portland, Maine, inspect a stormwater drain pipe in South Portland. Remi, a dog trained to sniff out sources of water pollution, with handler Karen Reynolds, rear, detected human fecal bacteria in the pipe. Many communities across the country are saving time and money by using dogs to find sources of pollution instead of gathering samples to be sent to laboratories for testing.. No, sir, there weren't. The good people in Charlottesville assembled to oppose a stain on American culture that our fathers and grandfathers erased with blood some 72 years ago in Europe. That's history worth remembering the next time Trump apologists like McHale add their voice in su...